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Board Book Classics Make the Front Page of the N.Y.Times

The Sunday New York Times does not usually have a front page article about board books.  Sunday, October 27, 2013 must have been a slow news day or maybe the fact that books are actually selling in 2013 is news in and of itself.

Years ago, when our first grandchild was born, the “new” trend was board books about artists.  I bought several that were wonderful ways to introduce art to a toddler.  I think I had more fun with the books than my grandson, who may have been too young to appreciate “Starry Nights” by Van Gogh but the pictures have much to talk about with the grandchild.  Click here to buy.  There is also Picasso, click here to buy.

Now, it seems, that board books have gone further.

In “A Library of Classics, Edited for the Teething Set,” the author, Julie Bosman tells us, “while the publishing industry is still scraping through the digital revolution, children’s books have remained relatively untouched.  Most parents are sticking to print for their young children even when there are e-book versions or apps available .. . .”

Well, we grandparents know that books make great visit gifts for our grandchildren.  Since we have 75% of the wealth in the U.S., the author seems to forget who is really buying most of the children’s books!

The article mentioned a new book-puzzle out this month, called “Pantone: Color Puzzles, “which uses intricate drawings and puzzle pieces to teach children the differences between colors like peacock blue and nighttime blue.”  Just up this Grandma’s alley.  I immediately went to Amazon and found that it is back ordered already!  Of course, I bought it, but the delay means I will have to report on this, and the other board books that caught my eye, in about a month when my grandson “reviews” them.  The reviews on line are wonderful too.   Click here to order and wait.

The article documents the importance of reading to children younger than two years and the importance of interaction between babies and parents, and how reading of board books helps not only learning, but bonding.  The jury is still out on this new trend of turning classic novels into simple board books, but again, reviews on line are good.

The series is called BabyLit “which features works of literary art that have been adapted for babies and toddlers.  The board books skip the complicated narratives and instead use the stories as a springboard to explain counting, colors, or concepts like opposites.”  Having a grandson, I did not get him “Anna Karenina” Click here to buy.

I sent him “Moby Dick” Click here to buy. And “Sherlock Holmes”  Click here to buy.

I cannot wait to find out how he likes the books.  After all, the holidays are coming up and books about $10 each are great presents for any baby and toddler and preschooler.



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