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Fast and Easy Chocolate Mug Cake to Make in the Microwave With Grandchildren

According to the recipe for Chocolate Mug Cake reprinted in the New York Times, March 28, 2019, “if you google ‘mug cake,’ you’ll get more than 100 million results.” Amazing that google can connect with that many results in one search—and for mug cake!

This Grandma loves fast and easy for any recipe to make with grandchildren.  Remember to cover the counter and the floor with old towels for easy clean up.

The recipe reprinted in the New York Times is perfect to make with grandchildren as it was developed for children, in the cookbook, “Baking Class: 50 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Bake!” by Deanna F. Cook.  Amazon sells this version, appropriate for ages 8-12.

Amazon also sells another version, “Cooking Class: 57 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Make (and Eat!),” by the same author, for ages 6-12, which is a number one best seller, but not as highly rate.  Buy at Amazon.

The Times recommends sprinkling the top of the chocolate mug cake mixture with some mini chocolate chips before putting in the microwave, and removing it a few seconds early if you want a molten chocolate mug cake.  The most wonderful thing about the recipe is that it takes five minutes, is super easy, and you can make just one.

Ingredients for one serving:

1 tablespoon unsalted butter.

1 egg, cracked.

3-4 tablespoons sugar to taste

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

pinch kosher salt

1 teaspoon mini chocolate chips


  1. Melt the butter in a microwave safe mug in 10 second increments, 20-30 seconds total to melt.

  2. In a small bowl, have the child add the vanilla and crack the egg into the vanilla and whisk to combine.

  3. Have the child pour the egg mixture into the butter in the mug and whisk to combine.

  4. Have the child add the sugar, cocoa power and salt and whisk until almost smooth. What is great is that a few lumps are okay.  Have the child scrape the sides with a small spatula.  (It will be hard to keep them from licking the spatula, but remember the recipe has raw eggs. Remind them it only needs to cook for one to one and one half minutes!)

  5. Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

  6. Cook on high in microwave for 1-1/2 minutes. Remember to remove a few seconds early if you want the chocolate mug cake molten.

For the best treat, top with ice cream!



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