Each year, as every year, this Grandma has tried to think of projects she can do with the grandchildren on a visit which will also create Father’s Day gifts for their fathers.
When the grandchild is very little, I take a 81/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper and write “Happy Father’s Day 201__”, place the baby or small child in a position where the paper is visible or if they are older they can hold the paper, and took a photograph. I would put the picture in a frame, grandchild selected when the grandchild was old enough.
Both fathers and grandchildren love this present. I bought simple 5” x 7” Lucite slant frames. You can buy 12 for $12 and save them for more projects: Lucite Picture Frames
When the grandchildren were a little older, we decorated the frames that we put the pictures of the grandchild in. I bought simple inexpensive lucite wall frames. You can get an 8” x 10” box frame for about $5 at Amazon. One year, we decorated the Lucite in a border with shells and pieces of shells we collected on the beach. You can pick out stickers and decorate the outside border with stickers. I suggest you mark the frame with a line for a border, or there will be many more stickers than photograph and the photograph will not be visible. You can be creative and put the photograph in the frame first and see if the grandchild can decorate with stickers without covering their face. Click here to see all of the varieties of Father’s Day stickers you can decorate with that range from $3 .00 to $20.
My favorite project for Father’s Day, when the grandchildren get a little older, age 3 and up, is anything from the Makit Company. There is a charge for the kit and then another charge to make the picture into the selected item. One year we colored and the coloring turned into plates for Father’s Day. A kit for six children is about $18 at MaKit. One year we turned a photograph into a plate for Father’s Day. This kit at $5.99 has many templates and can be used year after year.
There are snap it planters to put together, pencil holders, cups and mugs.
This year, I am repeating a project I did one previous year for Father’s Day which was a great hit. Father’s Day Collages. I keep all the discarded pictures that I do not put in the children’s annual photo albums. Sometimes there are duplicates. Sometimes, I just did not use a picture. I save about six the best of this lot of the worst whole at 4″ x 6″ and cut the outlines of the children out of the rest. I have a plastic sandwich bag for each child. I do my cutting out while watching HGTV of course. Cutting does not have to be perfect. I buy the inexpensive 8″ x 10″ wall frames above for each child for his or her Father. With a little Elmer’s Xtreme Glue Stick, even the smallest grandchild, with help, can glue the whole pictures on the background white rectangle of the box, then glue the cutouts randomly over them. Placing the pictures and gluing does not have to be perfect. Then you have a collage of the year’s child’s pictures in a frame for Father’s Day.
These ideas provide a wonderful project for Grandma and grandchildren. And the Father of our precious grandchildren has something handmade by their child for Father’s day.