Grandma’s house is always the place where any grandchild’s favorite sandwich is made any time when requested. After all, a grandchild’s wish is this Grandma’s command. To make it grandma special, I cut the sandwich (crusts removed of course) in quarters, or triangles or circles, or any other shape I happen to be pushing at the time. The grandchildren seemed to like the circle the best. This was the most work and left over the most sandwich. More about that later. But, then I happened upon sandwich cutters.
I bought it by accident. I happened to see it on a dollar pile somewhere. I was hooked. Or I should say my grandchildren were hooked. Sometimes, at a little cost, we can make even the two year old grandchild happy up to a ten year old grandchild happy with the same item. Who would have thought it would be a sandwich cutter. The youngest grandchild is mesmerized by the shape. The ten year old is happy to do it himself.
Yes, this is special to grandma’s house. In grandma’s house, there is time to play with food and the freedom to have fun with food. We make our favorite sandwich and pull out the sandwich cutters.
Pottery Barn has the best sandwich cutters for the younger set: animals, transportation, princess, and sweets. Click here.
Williams Sonoma has Star Wars though! Click here.
Amazon has dinosaurs and hearts. Click here.
Two warnings:
1. The parents of your grandchildren will want to have these at their house when they realize the grandchildren eat more when we are talking biting off the head of a dinosaur.
2. Beware of the grandma downfall. The mouth is closer than the trash. Eating crusts and leftover sandwich is hazardous to the grandma waistline.