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How Can Anyone Not Want Grandchildren

“How Can Anyone Not Want Grandchildren,” was the subject of an email that was passed on to me today (one of those string emails that keeps getting forwarded and forwarded) from a long (we never say old) grandma friend.  Many photographs were included.  You can see most of them on a google link.

The ones forwarded to this Grandma from the google batch were of children covered in something, sometimes sweet, other times, not so sweet.  It seems that the email subject should have been, “This is Why Some Adults do Not Want Children.”  As a parent, some of these occurrences made me question my sanity in deciding to be a parent.

I remember a time when my eldest daughter was about three months old.  She had horrible diaper rash, so, being in Florida, I let her nap in the screened porch without a diaper on.  I heard giggling after a while and went to investigate.   The baby and her entire bassinet were covered in poop.  No, I did not take a picture.  I was gagging too much.  My younger daughter, when a baby, seemed to need a bath after every meal.  She was constantly covered with something.

Grandparenting is different.  If such messes occur, my first inclination is to laugh.  My second inclination is to call the parent of my grandchild to clean up the mess.  After all, grandparenting is all joy and no responsibility!

My favorite new Keane cartoon that I cut out of the newspaper and framed says it all.

Everything about grandchildren makes a grandma smile.   Remember the saying we hear, “If I knew how much fun grandchildren were, I would have had them first.




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