This Grandma loves electronics when with grandchildren. They know everything about everything when it comes to electronics. Finally, this Grandma inquired. How is it that you find everything so easily on electronics?
The youngest, age four, said, push buttons. Okay, this Grandma gets that. The youngest do not have any fear of electronics. They have no fear of pushing buttons. We Grandmas do. We think we are going to break something. The four year old and younger grandchildren do not think of that. They have no fear. They do not care. Breaking electronics is something that comes naturally to them and is no big deal. Not their problem.
The middle grandchildren had different answers. The eight year old said it is fun to look for new things. So did the nine year old.
Then, I asked the nine year old granddaughter how she found Bitmoji. I told her I love Bitmoji and love sending her Bitmojis. I told her this app is loved by all the grandmas I have showed it to. I told her this app is loved by all the mothers I have showed it to. Everyone is showing it to their children and grandchildren. She said she did not find Bitmoji. She said her twelve year old brother found it because he spends hours looking at apps to find the best apps.
Now, I get it. The youngest grandchildren try anything and everything and the oldest grandchildren look for anything and everything. Electronics are for exploration and each age group of our grandchildren explore in different ways.
What is wonderful is that each age group of grandchildren is ready, willing, and able to share their exploration with grandma.
That brings us back to Bitmoji. If you have not heard of it, upload the app and explore it. Bitmoji is your own personal emoji that you build as a cartoon figure to look like yourself. On the app, you pick a face shape, skin tone, hair color, length, type, style, jaw shape, eyebrows, a mouth and keep going. You can make it look close to how you look, but better. . . .you look thinner. We grandmas know how wonderful that is. What also is wonderful is that there is a Bitmoji saying for anything and everything. Where grandchildren want to have expanse of the internet, we grandmas want everything easy and at hand. Bitmoji lets us use an emoji, which is the thing of the day to use, and to look so sophisticated in using a personalized emoji.
So, the grandchildren brought me to the Bitmoji, and what is even better is that I had to do nothing. My granddaughter uploaded Bitmoji into my electronics. Within minutes, my granddaughter gave me ME. She created me in the image in which she saw me. I must say, the image looks a lot like her too. I am glad she thinks that.
That is the best part of this part of life. We grandmas have the best of both worlds. We can enter the world of electronics with the youngest of our grandchildren, and as they get older, they give us the world of electronics at our fingertips. We share this new world that is theirs with them with
P.S. Have your grandchild (or borrow someone else’s grandchild if yours are still too young) and get the Bitmoji app and get the grandchild to create your own personalized emoji.