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Rock-A-Bye Baby Gifts from Grandma

We Grandmas know Rock-A-Bye Baby.  After all, we sing it to all of the precious grandchildren we rock in our arms.

Rock-a-Bye Baby

Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all

Or do we?

This Boomer Grandma listens to all of her grandchildren’s favorite songs, not a radio station usually listened to by grandparents.  The DJ had just had a new baby and he said he just rocked away with the new Rock-A-Bye music.  Curious, I came home and went on to listen to the modern rendition of the old favorite.

Oops!  That is not what Rock-A-Bye Music is anymore.  Rock-A-Bye Music are “Music CDs  that Transform Timeless Rock Classics Into Beautiful Instrumental Lullabies.”

Just listen to a few to get the idea.  They are fabulous and great gifts to bring when visiting that new grandchild!  Or to give as a baby gift for a new grandchild of a friend.

This is a sample of Coldplay!

If you do not know Coldplay, that is the group where Gwynth Paltrow is married to the lead singer.  Here is something we know well.  Here are the Beatles!

So what are our options?  So many!  You can select your favorite bands or the grandchild’s parents’ favorite bands.  There are gift bundles and more: carries the CDs at a discount of course! Click here to see them! Rockabye Baby albumbs

You can get MP3s and I Tunes too.

An I Tunes gift card might be a great gift to the parents of your grandchildren, designated for them to buy the Rock-A-Bye songs of their choice.

Who Knew!  This Boomer Grandma is now up to the times in Rock-A-Bye baby music with



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