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Spring and Holiday Shopping With Granddaughter Via Smart Phone and I Pad

This Grandma shops – a lot.  So, I get lots of catalogs in the mail.  Yes, and lots of email sale notices. This Grandma buys – selectively.  The best is to preshop for my only granddaughter.  SHE likes to choose her own clothes and is very particular.  After seven years, I think I know her likes and dislikes.  Nothing girly.  Nothing with buttons.  Yoga pants and Under Armour are favorites.

When the catalogs and emails come, I take out my I Pad and collect links for all of my “likes” and “loves.”  Shopping becomes a game when Grandma lists what I think my granddaughter will like and what I think my granddaughter will love.  We both get to see how close I am to selecting what she chooses.  I send an email to my granddaughter and her mother and make an appointment to shop, with a copy of the links.

There are some great new clothes this summer for girls.  Most interestingly, I found most everything on Garnet Hill and they had a spring sale going on. Of course, I liked everything in Chasing Fireflies but could only find one dress that I thought she might love for July Fourth. The rest of the clothes I selected were from Nordstrom. Nordstrom has a great children’s department and great children’s shoe department.  All of the websites had great spring clothes and shoes for Easter and July Fourth.

At shopping time, we speak on the I phone via facetime and shop on the websites on our I

pads.  We click on each link and discuss.  Then we discard or save in cart, go back to the email and click on the next link.

Since I am such a good selector, our granddaughter liked most everything.  Only one dress solicited a negative response.  It was a dress, after all.  But, she liked another maxi and a mini, so did choose two dresses out of three.  It was fun watching her choose a bathsuit, several t shirts, and the beloved yoga pants.  She did agree to try a pair of silver thong birkenstocks found at Nordstrom.

After our shopping spree ended, grandma’s work was not done.  Northface had the light spring striped fleece that was in the “love” category but was sold out on Garnet Hill. Retailmenot had great coupon codes that saved us 20% on one site and free shipping on two out of three sites.

Shopping on a Saturday afternoon can be a fun long distance activity and is a wonderful way to spend an hour with my granddaughter and her mother. I had about twelve item links on my list and she chose eight.  This Grandma is proud of herself.  You can tailor the number of items for your grandchild to select from to your budget and your time.  Sometimes, I have found one item this Grandma thinks is perfect to send off a link in an email, discuss, and chose or discard.

The best is yet to come.  As our precious granddaughter receives each package addressed to her solely, she has the joy of getting mail, opening each package and finding something just for her.  And as she has been trained to have wonderful modern manners, she will call to say thank you for some.  And next to the best, for others, she will model her new clothes on Face Time!  The best is when this Grandma can see our granddaughter in person, enjoying the clothes I selected, she chose, and I get to hug the grandchild wearing the clothes with



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