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That Intelligence Comes From the Mother’s Side Is New Science But We Grandparents Can Contribute With Encouragement, Stimulation and Nourishment in the Grandchildren’s Environment

Both of our son-in-laws have jokingly commented at different points in time that they selected the mothers of their children, our daughters, not in small measure for their brains.

They were right.  It is now not a joke.  It is the results of a new scientific study that intelligence comes from the mother.  We know our son also selected very well now.

This Grandma always thought it was the father that transmitted the intelligence gene more than the mother’s side and  that both parents were important for increasing intelligence through a stimulating environment!   The both parents part for environment seems to be the only part this Grandma got right.

There was a previous study, reported on Cosmopolitan that “The Medical Research Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in the United States did a study on mothers back in 1994 and interviewed 12,686 young people between the ages of 14 and 22. Their questions focused on the children’s IQ, race, education and socioeconomic status. The best predictor of intelligence? The IQ of their mother.”

Now, new research confirms that mothers are the principally responsible for transmitting intelligence genes. Psychology Spot has the scientific information at this site.

What is fascinating about the reporting is not the results of the study as much as the conclusion on Psychology Spot.

“It is estimated that between 40-60% of intelligence is hereditary. This means that the remaining percentage depends on environment, stimulation and personal characteristics. In fact, what we call intelligence is nothing more than the ability to solve problems. But the curious fact is that to solve problems, even a simple mathematical or physical one, comes also into play the limbic system, because our brain works as a whole. Thus, even if intelligence is closely linked to the rational thinking function, it is also influenced by intuition and emotions, that genetically speaking, are influenced by the contribution of the father.”

“Moreover, we must not forget that even if a child has a high IQ, we must stimulate his intelligence and nourish it throughout life with new challenges which are constantly improving. Otherwise intelligence will disperse.”

“Beyond what was stated by genetics, fathers should not be discouraged, because they also have much to contribute to the development of their children, especially being emotionally present. The IQ with which we are born is important, but not decisive.”

We grandparents know that both parents’ contributions are important to our grandchildren’s intelligence and overall well-being.  We grandparents can also contribute.  An  important message from this new scientific information is that environment is significant.  Significant is exposure of our grandchildren to an environment where the grandchild’s intelligence is stimulated by new experiences, stimulating, challenging and nourishing their hereditary intelligence. . . .from their mothers.

We can provide the encouragement and information to the parents of our grandchildren  of events and child events and activities in their community.  The Internet is a quick and easy resource to email or text of a weekend activity.  Sign up on many local websites in your grandchildren’s home area to get email alerts for child events that are coming to the grandchild’s local community.  Let the parents know.  I forward the emails and offer to take the grandchildren if their parents cannot and I can.  Every time our grandchildren moved to a new community, this Grandma did a book for the parents of all the area parks, museums, zoos, farm and other child tours, special events and activities for the grandchildren.  I included opening hours, maps and directions from the children’s home to the locations.  It also was a great resource for grandparent visits.

Whether we are the parents of the mother or the father of our grandchildren, we can enhance our grandchildren’s  intelligence by enhancing their lives with our participation and involvement.

When we grandparents have the opportunity, we can expose the grandchildren to our hobbies and passions, and expand their horizons.  We grandparents can be the source of new experiences as well as encourage parental creation of family experiences.

This Grandma is already planning the next multi generational vacation.  Now, of course and as always, it must include intellectually stimulating experiences to stimulate, nourish and enrich our grandchildren’s lives and expand their genetically given intelligence with expansion of their horizons.



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