One of the absolute best tips I received was to always be the grandma on the floor. Of course, I asked what that meant. My friend explained that to really connect with your grandchild, you really have to spend all your time on the floor–at their level.
I have spent hours and hours on the floor. I have laid head to head with a grandchild who cannot yet lift their head. It does make them smile and it warms your heart when you see that smile.
I watch the other grandparents standing or sitting on the couch, and I understand why to be the grandma on the floor. They are so big and so far away. I want close. I want the close connection with the grandchild. Yes, it does mean spending the rest of your grandma life sitting on the floor–at least until the grandchild stops sitting on the floor.
I have found that being the grandma on the floor has so many advantages. You will be the first one whose arms they crawl into. You will be the first one who they hand something to. You will be the one who becomes their comfort person.
My daughters sometimes say they think that the grandchildren love me more. That is the way it is supposed to be. I do think being the grandma on the floor makes a big difference.