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Pizza For Breakfast Is Finally Getting the Respect It Deserves and This Grandma’s Case For a Breakfast Feast Grandchildren Would Want For Breakfast, Part II

If you follow this blog, you will already know that this Grandma is obsessed with the concept of “Pizza for Breakfast” as a special grandma treat when with grandchildren.  That was one of the first “Grandma Lessons” I received from a very experienced grandma at a conference I was attending.  I proceeded to write several posts over the years dealing with the benefits of this concept and trying to dispel the myths and supposed evils of pizza.  See, previous posts.*

On September 22, 2017 this Grandma wrote “This Grandma’s Case For a Breakfast Feast Grandchildren Would Want For Breakfast, Part I.  It has taken this long for pizza for breakfast to finally get the respect it deserves and for this Grandma to be able to post “This Grandma’s Case For a Breakfast Feast Grandchildren Would Want For Breakfast, Part II.”

We have Twitter to thank for this public turnabout, and Food and Wine Magazine for their February 2, 2018 post on Twitter, “Pizza Is a Healthier Breakfast Than Cereal, According to a Nutritionist.”  For the entire article go to this link.

Here is what the author, Julia Naftulin, writes:

“Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN, a nutritionist based in New York, told The Daily Meal that “a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash.” One cup of Raisin Bran, for example, has 18 grams of sugar (close to the 25 gram daily limit recommended for women) and zero healthy fats.  Amer also noted that pizza has more protein than a typical bowl of cereal, so it can satisfy your appetite for longer and prevent snacking between meals.”

This Grandma just came back from visiting the two older grandchildren.  Yes, one reached for yogurt and fruit, and avocado for breakfast.  She is the family health food nut.  However, the yogurt did have M & Ms with it!  The other reached for cereal and milk.  No matter how much their parents try, the grandchildren are perpetually rushed in the morning.  Of course, it is better to have more nutrition such as “Greek yogurt with fruit (you’ll score a calcium and protein boost) or oatmeal with cinnamon and fruit, which offers fiber and antioxidants.” But, at Grandma’s house, we freeze individual slices of pizza so they are ready to be taken out and heated for morning breakfast or an anytime snack.  Why not do this at the parents’ home for one of the extra rushed mornings?

There were three other great tips in the article:

First, consider what this Grandma has been suggesting forever, reverse breakfast and dinner.  The article quotes another nutritionist recommending serving leftover dinner for breakfast.

Second, try the recipe that they recommend for “How to Make Protein-Packed Breakfast Pizza in a Skillet.”  Here is the link. It does seem a great weekend breakfast buffet item that I must try, even giving Grandpa a treat to try before the grandchildren’s next visit.

The third best tip was another link to www. for “The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast.”

Scrolling down the list, I saw how easy it is to give the grandchildren many of the twenty foods by handing them a banana, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe in the morning, while I had one of the other best foods to eat for breakfast. . . .coffee. . . as we wait for the pizza slice to heat in the oven.



*Previous Pizza Posts:

The History of Pizza and 101 Best Pizzas in the United States at Our Fingertips

Pizza Hut is the New Favorite of Grandmas With Its New Hot Dog Stuffed Pizza Crust Pizza

Pizza for Breakfast Forever Even If It Not Supposed to Be So Good For You

Facts & Figures: Pizza Consumption, But Do We Grandmas Care?

Finding Pizza in the Search for the Perfect Cookie

Pizza for Breakfast and Dessert First

This Grandma’s Case For a Breakfast Feast Grandchildren Would Want For Breakfast, Part I

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