This Grandma loves watching babies watch bubbles. This Grandma loves watching toddlers try to catch bubbles. This Grandma loves when even the older grandchildren love giant bubbles. Bubbles are an inexpensive wonderful visit present that brings giggles and run around fun now that summer is upon us.
Oppenheimer Toy Awards on Toy Portfolio, this Grandma’s first go to source, has two recommendations, one of which this Grandma likes.
No Spill Bubble Tumbler
The No Spill Bubble Tumbler is a must for Grandma’s house and a welcome gift for the parents of our grandchildren. Nothing spills out of this container, even when it is upside down, which you can expect with toddlers who want to do everything themselves. You put the wand into the tumbler and it comes out with enough soap solution to make a bubble. The containers come in mini, regular and super sized (with three wands). A great example of a classic toy made even better by an innovative design.
For older babies and toddlers, with adult help, if they will let you are the mini size, two ounces found at Amazon:
There is a Sesame Street two ounce that looks like Big Bird.
Or you can get the larger size, four ounces, at Amazon:
There even is a big bucket with three large wands for play by more than one child; however, this Grandma has found that young children will fight over the bucket, each wanting to hold the handle. The big bucket is fine for Grandma and a child, as it holds much more fluid. It holds twenty ounces of fluid, that is not included. Buy at Amazon.
Super Size Bubble Wands
Oppenheimer recommends this kit with a large bubble wand and concentrated solution, but Grandma does not. This Grandma has found large bubble wands messy, and even Oppenheimer says this kit does not work as well with other solutions.
Hearthsong has a product that makes giant bubbles, listed for ages six and up. If you don’t care about big messes, this will make a big hit.
Best Bubble Fluid and Touchable Bubbles
This Grandma has found that the best bubble fluid is Gazillion Bubble Fluid, a sixty seven ounce bottle is about $10, a best seller at Amazon.
This Grandma has tried different wands and electric machines by Gazillion, and although they are great fun, they seem to break quickly. For older grandchildren, where spilling is not such an inssue, there are individual eight ounce gazillion bubble bottles, sold in a four pack at Amazon:
This Grandma has tried the colored bubble fluid and all varieties of specialized bubble fluids and found them sticky and messy. There are even edible bubbles. If you are into these, let the grandchildren use them after you leave. The only ‘specialty” bubbles this Grandma likes are Touchable Bubbles tubes, sold as an inexpensive single or in different bulk amounts. These make great holiday or birthday bag gifts. Buy at Amazon:
Best Electric Mini Bubble Machine
Since the grandchildren love bubbles, this Grandma has bought nearly every electric bubble machine on the market. They do not last as long as they should. The grandchildren seemed to love the Walmart model which makes mini bubbles the best. Found at Amazon:
Year Round Bubble Bath Fun
ALEX Toys Rub a Dub Blow Bubbles in the Tub: ALEX makes great toys, and their bath bubbles are inexpensive and fun. Grandma does not have to only wait for summer with this inexpensive visit present for young grandchildren! Buy at Amazon:
Be careful of the floor surface for all bubble fun, grass and outdoors are the best places for running and catching bubbles. Yes, you can even involve the older grandchildren to take videos and pictures of the younger ones playing with bubbles. Being the laughing observer enjoying grandchildren play