This Boomer Grandma always knew what the new studies are showing. We Boomers are NOT our parents’ generation. We exercise more. We live life to its fullest, feeling younger than our chronological years–and looking younger than our chronological years. This Grandma has always been into “functional age” and what we are able to do is more important than our years.
Yet, our years are to our benefit. The experience of years gives us the wisdom to know how to appreciate good health and the time to enjoy it. Now, the studies confirm all this! Watching the Today Show, April 15, 2015, I heard that age 60 is considered the new middle age. Of course! Our grandchildren are going to live to age 142, according to Time Magazine, February 23-March 2, 2015.
I then went on line to to learn more and read an article by Rebekah Lowin, “60 is the new middle age: Here’s why it’s awesome.” She discusses the study and a survey from 2014:
“According to a study published in PLOS ONE, those celebrating their sixth decade should no longer considered old, but rather, middle-aged. The study reveals that age can be measured as time lived or it can be measured as time yet to live, based on the current human life expectancy.”
“That’s why researchers from Stony Brook University and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis say that age measurements that have traditionally categorized people as “old” at a certain age (often 65) must shift accordingly.”
“Celebrating the milestone birthday this year? You’re in good company. Among the stars that turned 60 over the last year were Ron Howard, Michael Moore, Jerry Seinfeld, Howard Stern, Oprah Winfrey and Al Roker.”
“And, according to a TODAY survey from 2014 in which about 1500 adults ages 45-69 were polled, the 60-year-old demographic was overwhelmingly positive about their health. 14 percent rated it as “excellent,” 61 percent rated their health as “good,” and only 4 percent rated their health as “poor.” 22 percent rated it as “fair.”
“Additionally, nearly three-quarters of those in their 60’s reported that they were “embracing” their age.”
There are so many quotes by those of us in the new middle age, but this Grandma’s favorite is:
“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney, famed 20th-century animator, cartoonist, and film producer.”