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Winnie the Pooh is “Young Old” and New Again at Age 90 and It’sTime to Introduce him to Our Grandc

This Grandma has decided that we of the Boomer generation will remain “young old,” vibrant and active, at age 90.  Our parents’ generation, through GG (great grandmother) as its spokesperson said one is “old old” at age 84, when life changes and one must slow down.  We Boomers will remain the eternal generation that changed the world for the better and remain forever relevant.

It is hard to equate a book, a character, to us.  But, if there was such it would be Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.  Winnie-the-Pooh will remain the eternal character that changes the world for the better.  Introducing grandchildren to Winnie the Pooh is more relevant in today’s complicated society.  Let’s bring simple joy and common sense to our grandchildren through beloved Winnie the Pooh.  (By the way, the original had hyphens, and Disney took them away in 1966 for ease of use).

It is the 90th anniversary of the first Winnie-the-Pooh book, and at 90 years young, it remains the number one book and character that is beloved by every generation, and even beats Harry Potter in the current generations.  The first book by A.A. Milne was a collection of stories called “Winnie-the-Pooh,” published in 1926. The number of quotes in the books that are meaningful to teach the goodness and joy of life run in the hundreds.  Take a look to refresh your recollection as to the quotes, use them with your grandchildren and show them  how wonderful they are at this website:

The story behind Winnie-the-Pooh is heartwarming and will be meaningful to our grandchildren.

The author, A.A.Milne, used real items loved by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, who is the character in the stories.  A.A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh for a teddy bear owned by his son. Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo and Tigger are toys that his son played with.  Owl and Rabbit were created by the author.  Even the Hundred  Acre Wood is based on the real place where the Milne family spent summers.  Grandchildren will relate to this love of a son by a father who created a fantasy world based on the son’s real world for the son.  Read the rest of the history and how Christopher Robin Milne named his teddy bear at Wikipedia.  If you are in New York you can see the actual Winnie-the-Pooh teddy bear that belonged to Christopher Robin Milne at the New York Public Library in Manhattan.

Disney, who took Winnie the Pooh to the masses through movies, created a new character, Gopher. At the Disney Store, on line, you can find the movies, and anything and everything Winnie-the-Pooh. Go to Disney Store.  Remember that the Disney Store has perpetual sales, so do not pay full price for anything on this website.  Wait a day or two and the next sale will start.

Where does this Grandma recommend you start introducing grandchildren to Winnie the Pooh?

Newborns and Babies

Of course, there is the Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal for a baby gift, in addition to books made especially for teethers!

Toddlers and Preschoolers

In addtion to books and stuffed animals, you can decorate an entire room in Winnie the Pooh.

School Aged Children

In addition to all of the above, the category of anything you can think of for Winnie the Pooh, just take a look at what happens when you put “Winnie the Pooh” into a search on Amazon.


If you put “Winnie the Pooh” into a book search on Amazon, the first book that comes up is “The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh.”  This Grandma recommends that, if you are giving a Winnie the Pooh themed gift, put a plush toy Winnie, this book, and an age appropriate version together for the gift.  It is found at this site.

Then, grandma can begin reading aloud Winnie stories at an earlier age than you can imagine.  Because it is verse, just listening to the verse helps our grandchildren appreciate how they are hearing the stories, as well as what they are hearing.

When you are rocking the sleeping or resting  newborn for hours in your arms, read Winnie the Pooh aloud to the newborn and yourself for a joyful and pleasurable time together.  When grandma has the pleasure of doing the bedtime routine, pick a favorite Winnie the Pooh story to read aloud.  This Grandma loves hearing the “mo” for “more,” and with Winnie you are sure to have extra time at bedtime with your precious grandchild.  There are board books, gift sets, themed stories for any holiday.  You can find anything Winnie the Pooh in a book at Amazon:

Room Decor

Yes, this Grandma mentioned room decor previously.  However, the room decor is endless for Winnie the Pooh, and the two favorites on Amazon are for two Winnie the Pooh sayings that are wall decals.

“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long

If we’re in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.”

This is this Grandma’s favorite quote too, and perfect for a grandma to a grandchild, as is the second most popular Winnie the Pooh wall decal:

“Sometimes the Smallest Things Take up the Most Room in Your Heart”

Find these and other wonderful wall and room decor at Amazon.

What is new again is that the current series author, Brian Sibley, is introducing a new character in the Hundred Acre Wood, Penguin.   His new book, “The Best Bear in All the World,” will be available October 25, 2016.  It is listed for grades 3-7 and age range 8-12 years old.  Buy at Amazon.

Buy it as a visit or holiday gift for any age.  We grandmas know that whatever age, Winnie the Pooh is a favorite.  Explain to your grandchildren why it is yours and introduce them to a lifetime of simple joy and common sense.  We all can surely use Winnie the Pooh in our lives at this time.



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