GG (Great Grandma), my mother, was very vain. She never left the house without hair and makeup done. She wore Ponds cold cream as a mask every night. I thought this was over the top when I was young. I am learning more as I age. She died with beautiful young looking skin and looking much younger than her years.
I now know I should emulate my mother.
A long (we never say old) friend came for a visit. I complimented her on her hair and new highlights. She laughed that I did not know she was wearing a wig. Apparently she fried her hair keeping it platinum blond and had to give her hair a rest from hair dye. She shared that she and three friends decided to let their hair go gray for a while to see how they liked it.
She said they hated how they were treated. Although they were all in their fifties, people treated them as if they had dementia, she said. In stores and restaurants, they were ignored. If they were able to have service, they were treated poorly. She said they were surprised at how invisible they became. Ultimately, each gave up the gray.
As I was having my hair colored to cover my gray, I discussed this with my stylist. He said it is sad but true in our society that admires youth above all. He said he knows, from his friends in retail and service industries, that they look at hair and nails before serving anyone. He said they do not care about dress. If a customer has nicely groomed colored hair and nails, they know they have a good customer.
This is important information for us Boomers. We have the wealth in this country but the sign of our value is how well we emulate what is valued in our society–youthfulness. If we choose not to, then we know what we may encounter.
I wish our country respected the knowledge that years of life and experience enhance. Since this Grandma’s mantra is “forever young,” I am fine with this shallowness that I cannot change. I guess we each become our mothers after all. Mine surely knew more than I did. I now am convinced I will never go gray. I enjoy fine service and now know why. Finely groomed and colored hair and nails will, until my deathbed, define this Grandma with