The Today Show had a segment and story on “Will making your bed every morning change your life?” By Randee Dawn, August 27, 2015.
She says, “Mom, as usual, was right. She may have nagged you to do it all throughout your childhood, but it turns out that making your bed is the one simple task you can do every morning if you want to be a success in life. . . . “
“Charles Duhigg explained it in his book, “The Power of Habit,” writing that “making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.” He called bed-making a “keystone habit,” which is something that starts other good behavior.” Buy at Amazon.
It seems that you either are one who makes your bed in the morning or one who doesn’t. Now this Grandma is going to pay attention and see if the theory is correct, but become proactive with regard to the grandchildren. We know it takes about three months to create a habit. Getting Grandchildren to make their bed is a responsibility and we know being a grandma is about all joy and no responsibility. However, if it is correlated with success in life, we grandmas want that for our grandchildren.
So, being a grandma is about making chores fun. One way is to bribe with candy, of course. 90 pieces . . . . One for each day will do. Or one for each week. Or, if the grandchild makes the bed for 90 days, he or she gets something he or she has coveted. Offer a prize of new bedding he or she wants, such as Star Wars. Or make it a morning telephone call game to see who can make their bed first, grandma or grandchild, or can both finish before we count to ten!
Or, if grandma is not inclined to be involved in such responsibility, just pass this blog along to the parents of the grandchildren. Offer your help and assistance with the grandchildren.
However, in certain circumstances, like the parents of the grandchildren not making their own beds, say nothing and take the lead yourself. If we have not created positive habits in them when they were our children, we now have a second chance with our grandchildren. After all, we say nothing to the parents of the grandchildren if we have nothing nice to say.
We want to not offend the gatekeepers to our grandchildren so we can have grandma