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One Day University is Just Enough Of Lifelong Learning To Keep Our Boomer Brains Blossoming

Once Grandpa and I finally settled into semi-retirement mode, we started paying attention to our friends who had preceded us into leisure time, and had been taking lifelong university classes.  One of the keys to a retirement location in which to settle is whether there are universities offering adult continuing education and enrichment.  When we were in New York, there were so many opportunities.  See blog post: Enhance Your New York City Vacation As A Tourist With The Four Best Secrets of the New York Lifestyle of Our Boomer Friends 

All of our local universities in South Florida have gotten into the act. After all, we have one of the largest Boomer populations in the country.  Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic University offers classes in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, and Jupiter in every topic imaginable. They offer one time programs, four week and eight week programs.  Nova University offers lifelong learning and events for Boomers.

I listened to my friends’ reviews.  The professors varied, and they found their favorites.  Some stuck with the programming, and others looked for more or different.

We took a four week course with our friends’ favorite professor, Dr. Robert Watson, of Lynn University, which was held in the Delray Beach library for $15 a class.  We loved it, but agreed that the commitment of four weeks in a row interferes with. . . . .the freedom we now cherish.

We found this following hook and were hooked.



ONE DAY UNIVERSITY brings together the best professors from the best universities to present live versions of their best lectures.

Yes, you do not have to live in South Florida.  You have probably seen the ad in your local newspaper.  We Boomers still read newspapers.  You have probably just skipped over their full page ads.


Look online  or call 800-300-3438.  You will likely find classes given live near you.  Course days are offered in more cities than you would expect.  If you want to lounge in the comfort of your chosen location, One Day University offers digital semesters, six months from the day you sign up and includes a minimum of two live-streamed talks per month, plus access to their video archive of over 100 pre-recorded talks.  Each live streamed event is added to the video archive within two days after the live event.

The Video Library is an archive of all of the live events One Day U has recorded, and they are available for viewing at any time. The videos you purchase are be stored in your account for you to watch whenever you like.

The topics are so varied, you can always find something of interest coming your way.  How about:

Five Times Weather Changed the Course of History by Carline Winterer of Stanford University

A Human’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence by Kartik Hosanager of Wharton, U Penn

The Eight Greatest Films Ever? Four American and Four Foreign Masterpieces by  Joseph Luzzi Bard College

We attended one two hour course and then did a “full” day of three courses in a row for about five hours.  We and our friends made it through two courses in a row in one day, and could not make it through the third. They were all top quality.  The professors were exceptional.  Remember One Day University’s mantra: just the pure joy of learning.

We decided lifelong learning for us is better in smaller doses more spaced out.  We will look for the next ad in our local area, or expand to venues in South Florida.  The options are endless when you have endless options and time to enjoy them. . . .

And most of all we need the good health to appreciate everything our Boomer lives have to offer.

We are still blossoming, aren’t we?



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