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When Grandma Able To Hug Grandchildren Becomes Miraculous

COVID-19. This grandma is so over it. A year out of our ives now is life changing. For we know enough to know how much of living life we do not have time to make up, as much as we do not want to think about how long (we never say old) we are. We have missed so much to avoid exposure to the coronavirus, waiting until we can hug our grandchildren again.

The pandemic has made us all long distance grandparents. My dear grandparent friends who have their grandchildren living here in South Florida are now bemoaning the consequences of “social distancing” with their local grandchildren. A grandchild had a loose tooth and and a grandma friend had to see it via FaceTime. A grandchild just learned how to ride a two wheeler and another grandma friend had to see it on video.

It has been over a year since this long distance grandmother has been able to hug our youngest grandson. Yes, being able to hug all our grandchildren is wonderful, but not being able to hug the youngest has been the most painful. The year between a toddler and a preschooler is so significant. Our youngest is no longer a baby, and is the last baby grandchild. Yes, we have done Zoom and FaceTime, but to touch and feel and physically hug the baby is a constant longing, knowing now, nearly three and active little boy, he will not be as willing to just remain in my arms. He is too young to remember the hugs he received from his birth to pandemic.

I have to believe that all the other grandchildren, ages 9 to 17, remember the hugs. It hurts too much to think the pandemic has robbed us of these memories too. Trying to stay connected to the school aged grandchildren has evolved and been a work in progress throughout the pandemic. They tolerate my texts, telephone calls and FaceTime but I just want to reach through the screen and hug each of them. I have not been there to cheer them on or wipe away their tears or feed them the sweets that are this grandma’s treats.

Our oldest grandchild is going away to college next fall. He won’t be around much longer for frequent grandma hugs. I keep threatening him that I will keep my own place near his college. With the amount of hugs I have missed with him due to COVID, I think he is concerned that I mean it.

The vaccine. In Florida, our governor has tried to get as many of us grandparents vaccinated as possible. He even mentioned in a press conference the need to reconnect grandparents and grandchildren. It is miraculous to be able to plan to hug all of our grandchildren again.

I cannot wait until this void is a distant memory. I know that we grandparents who can make the plans to be able to hug our grandchildren are the lucky ones as so many grandparents have lost their lives to COVID.

Just a little bit more of a wait. Then to hug and not let go. I can just hear the squeals with



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